$24.00 AUD
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Suitable for all brewing methods.

Orange, Black Cherry, Dark Chocolate

Producer:            Diego Baraona
Farm:                   Los Pirineos
Region:                Tepaca Chimaneca, Usulutan
Varietal:                Pacamara
Processing:          Carbonic Maceration Natural
Altitude:               1,650 - 1,800 MASL

Nestled atop the Tecapa volcano, Los Pirineos stands resiliently between the quaint towns of Berlin and Santiago de Maria, borrowing its name from the majestic Pyrenees that grace the boundary between France and Spain. This slice of El Salvador's coffee landscape proudly holds the distinction of being the first farm in the country to earn such recognition. Revered by exporters, buyers, and cuppers alike, Los Pirineos has earned a reputation for producing some of the finest coffees in the region.

For over a century, the Baraona family has tended to the rich soil of Los Pirineos, their legacy rooted in the coffee plants and shade trees originally imported from Antigua Guatemala. With a touch of history and a dash of innovation, the farm boasts the largest private seed bank collection in El Salvador, showcasing over 80 varietals. Typica, Bourbon, Pacas, and Pacamara now thrive under the Salvadoran sun, contributing to the rich tapestry of flavors that emanate from this unique terrain.

Success has been a loyal companion to Los Pirineos, with accolades at numerous auction programs and competitions echoing across the valleys. The farm's beans have journeyed across the globe, participating in coffee competitions and clinching top positions at the Cup of Excellence (CoE) auction, including a noteworthy 2nd place in 2019.

From seedling to milling, Los Pirineos oversees the entire coffee-making process within its embrace. During harvest, drying beds stretch across a purpose-built plateau, providing a panoramic view of the Tecapa volcano. The constant westerly wind, a gentle companion, ensures a meticulous and consistent drying process, while the elevated location guarantees that every coffee bean receives the full embrace of sunlight.

The dedicated team at Los Pirineos takes pride in maintaining spotless equipment, ensuring that the journey from bean to cup is marked by quality and care. On-site milling, combined with modern de-mucilage techniques and UV-protected drying facilities, speaks to a commitment to excellence that transcends the generations. The legacy of Los Pirineos is one not just of resilience, but of a deep-seated passion for cultivating exceptional coffee, rooted in the vibrant soils of El Salvador.

Amount: 250g
Grind: Wholebeans
Amount: 250g
Grind: Wholebeans

Product information